Outstanding Project or Program Award

Each year a project or program employing or advancing ITS technologies is awarded. The winner could be a project or program related to an infrastructure investment, plans, research, management, or other significant innovation in the field of ITS. 

New subcategories within the Outstanding Project or Program category have been added; separate awards will be provided to Statewide/Regional Agencies and Local Public Agencies in both Design and Construction/Implementation of Project/Program subcategories. Up to four awards may be given in the Outstanding Project or Program category.

2023 Outstanding Project/Program - Statewide/Regional Agencies Design

NJDOT’s " Lane Closure Management System (LCMS) Interstate Expansion"

The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) Bureau of Mobility Engineering engaged HNTB in 2017 to develop a Lane Closure Management System (LCMS) to ultimately replace the manually intensive paper, email, text, phone call process of managing requests for access to NJDOT roadways by NJDOT Maintenance, Contractors, and Permitees. The initial system was a pilot deployment for the I-80 corridor which was deemed successful in 2021. This project is being designed to expand the use of the LCMS to all NJ Interstates under NJDOT jurisdiction, and the system is now mission critical to the efficient operations of Mobility Engineering in managing all requests for lane closures across all interstates. NJDOT is planning to further expand the LCMS to include 118 NJ State Routes over the next several years.

The LCMS is a web-based application that allows NJDOT to manage lane closure requests using an intuitive, easy-to-use interface available to both external (contractors, maintenance, permittees) and internal users (NJDOT traffic operations). The application is designed to streamline the approval process between contractors and internal staff, and to provide a complete audit trail for each request. The application utilizes email and SMS communications to inform users of changes to lane closure request status and is also designed to interface with TRANSCOM T-REX for automatic publishing of planned closure information to the travelling public.


2023 Outstanding Project/Program - Statewide/Regional Agencies Construction/Implementation:

NJDOT's "Smart and Connected Corridors, Route 1 and Route 295"

This project includes the deployment of several sites of Wrong Way Detection Systems – an integrated system using thermal sensors and high-definition cameras – the first systems implementation in the state. This project also includes the first large-scale arterial and limited-access deployment of Connected Vehicle technology and edge-computing hardware.

Wrong-way related crashes are high-speed, head-on collisions often resulting in severe injury and fatalities. Within New Jersey, 107 wrong-way related crashes occur each year with over 80 resulting fatalities since 2010. The implementation of WWVDS at strategic entry-points to heavily traveled corridors will aid in correcting and responding to wrong-way events to reduce the frequency and improve response times.

The project developed a detailed procedure for the evaluation of potential wrong-way events with specific consideration for socio-economic factors. This procedure and the selected WWVDS provide equitable benefits to all road users including motorists, motorcycles, and trucks.

Establishing a robust environment leveraging an IoT-based edge-compute platform will enable the future development of Connected Vehicle applications and integration of multiple systems into unique operational strategies. The infrastructure installed will provide a platform for the Department to scale across the state and create new technology-based solutions to address the specific needs of future projects.

2023 Outstanding Project/Program - Local Public Agencies Design

City of Atlantic City's "Smart City Transportation Master Plan for Atlantic City"

The Smart City Transportation Master Plan for Atlantic City shapes the city's future physical and digital transportation infrastructure through clear vision, mission, and goals. Developed through a combination of public outreach, stakeholder coordination, and an assessment of multiple data sources including crash data and traffic data, the plan prioritizes enhancements to transportation mobility, safety, and equity. The plan employs established and emerging technologies such as machine learning video analytics, advanced traffic signal systems, Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) technology, and advanced traffic management software. It assesses the existing transportation landscape, caters to diverse user needs, and outlines phased technology integration via 17 short to long-term projects. The plan incorporates a Concept Development Report for Pacific Avenue, with concept plans for Atlantic and Arctic Avenues, highlighting future funding opportunities. The goal is to introduce an advanced traffic signal system integrated via fiber optic communications, with Pacific Avenue's system expected to launch in 2024. The plan's systematic and cooperative approach considers public opinion, stakeholder interests, engineering principles, and real-world data, yielding a well-rounded, targeted plan adaptable to city transportation dynamics.

Submitting a Nomination
  • Nominations are now open --- Nominations are Due August 16.
  • Submissions must include Executive SummaryProject Description, Display Panel, and appropriate Credits listing Project Owner/Lead Agency, Prime Consultant, and other significant contributors
  • Submissions are limited to three projects per agency. Each public agency should vet all projects being submitted on their behalf and select a maximum of three
  • Appropriate Public Agency MUST sign-off on all submissions

All submissions may be printed, by ITSNJ, mounted and displayed at the Annual Meeting. Description of all submissions may be shared on the ITSNJ website, through social media, and via email distribution to ITSNJ members.

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